The Econophysics Blog

This blog is dedicated to exploring the application of quantiative tools from mathematics, physics, and other natural sciences to issues in finance, economics, and the social sciences. The focus of this blog will be on tools, methodology, and logic. This blog will also occasionally delve into philosophical issues surrounding quantitative finance and quantitative social science.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Follow up to Mind Time

I noticed an article -- Why Time Seems to Slow Down in Emergencies at Live Science (11 December 2007) -- that serves as an interesting follow-up to my previous blog post on 'mind time'.

The Live Science article discusses research being done at Baylor University on why people have the sensation that time 'slows down' during stressful situations. Those researchers believe that this neurological phenomenon is related to how memories are formed rather than a physiological reaction like increased adrenaline. Basically, they argue that our brains tend to imprint memories in a deeper way when we're under stress than in normal situations; this leads to the sensation that time 'stretches' under stressful situations.

Interesting research. I don't know if it fully explains the 'mind time' phenomenon, but it sounds like a reasonable explanation. By the way, there is also a short video of the experiment.

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